Day 14 was a relatively easy one, halting our relentless march northwards for a wee diversion to Ayr to see the Youngs, next door neighbours of Mum and Dad when they lived in Mauchline, Ayshire, back in the 1980’s. Between Muirkirk and Sorn, after 25 miles, we met up with Grant Young who had powered across from Ayr on his Ribble road bike to escort the Probert Challenge team into town.
We stopped just above Mauchline to take in the stunning panorama of the Ayrshire countryside. In Mauchline we visited the curling stone factory - still making the stones from granite hewn from the island of Ailsa Craig - the old volcanic plug off the coast of South Ayrshire known affectionately as Paddy’s Miletone. We visited the house in which Tom spent the first 6 months of his life but he didn’t remember a thing about it - there’s gratitude. As the Sky sports news helicopters hovered overhead to record every twist and turn, we turned onto the Ayr bypass and sped down to the Young’s house in Alloway. We were greeted by Pat and Dr Steph - and a great welcome banner. After a much needed freshen up we topped up calories with pieces on ham (I think thats what we say) and beer.

Then something very strange happened - there was this funny bright yellow thing that suddenly appeared in the sky. We finished of our tour of Grants bike shed (everyone should have one like that) and basked in the evening sunshine - it might be our only chance on LeJog. We had an amazing Scottish / cycling meal, featuring black pudding, haggis, tattie scone, lasagna, ice cream and perthshire strawbs, and a wee swalley of single malt (but not altogether). All washed down with copious supplies of beer and wine, and finished off by watching the Tourmalet stage of the Tour, it made for a fantastic evening. Great hospitality, great company and lots of laughter - thanks so much to Pat and Grant and Dr. Steph.

The hospitality of the Youngs threatened to soften the challenge team’s resolve and it was hard to prize us away from Alloway after a late brunch and a few photos posed with kilts, a wee tartan skirt and the “See You Jimmy” hat. After that Pat rode with us as far as Troon to make sure we really were out of town.
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