Hurrah! Tom woke up to find both legs still attached and looking back to normal. Having got his leg sorted out he tried his best to steal the medical limelight by getting bitten by the farm's Shetland pony.

The night had been very wet and the forecast looked horrendous, with severe weather warnings for the border areas ...mmm. After putting on all possible waterproof clothing we set off into the early morning drizzle. As luck would have it, by the time we got to the Scottish border at Gretna the drizzle had fizzled and we even had glimpses of sunshine - bizarre.

We stopped for the obligatory photos then danced northwards with the M74, on the B roads alongside, over and under, through the southern uplands. For a while we cycled along with five other Lejogers who were on a more lungbusting 8 day schedule. We slowed down long enough to let them catch up, then let them go as they had another 80 or so miles to cycle. We passed through Lockerbie and then stopped at the Old Stables in Beatock for lunch - where we witnessed our first Scots, and our first Irn Bru (it's there in the background).

We only had 18 more miles to go after lunch and by the time we arrived at our campsite in Abington we had another 54 miles in the bag, 650 miles altogether. Mum and Sarah had set up camp, with usual efficiency and, having experienced stair-rods downpours since leaving the last site they were amazed to see us arriving dry.
Absolutely incredible. Those guys doing it in 8 days!
ReplyDeleteSeriously - you boys (and girls...and probably Holly, unknowingly!) have done brilliant. You must be over the moon. It's a game of two halves and probably several pints. Keep it going - all the way.
Forecast good for the next few days, so make hay etc etc.
Am breaking out in sympathetic saddle-sores just reading the blog.
Go. Go. GO!!!!!!
Pedro here again. Greg, I'm on the guest list with a +1 for underage festival in victoria park, london, on the 1st of august. It's a VIP pass, so we don't have to be close to many youths if we don't want to. That is, if you're coming. It's something like 12-8pm. We'll talk when you're back.